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CampaignNAV Workshop: Grassroots Deep Dive with Luke Mosiman

Updated: Apr 27

Luke Mosiman is a Grassroots Mobilization Expert based in Arizona. Today, he joins CampaignNAV for a Deep Dive Workshop into Grassroot Tips & Tricks for Active Candidates!
Luke Mosiman is a Grassroots Mobilization Expert based in Arizona. Today, he joins CampaignNAV for a Deep Dive Workshop into Grassroot Tips & Tricks for Active Candidates!

Luke Mosiman is a Grassroots Mobilization Expert based in Arizona. Today, he joins CampaignNAV for a Deep Dive Workshop into Grassroots Tips & Tricks for Active Candidates!

Luke Mosiman is a Grassroots Mobilization Expert based in Arizona. Today, he joins CampaignNAV for a Deep Dive Workshop into Grassroot Tips & Tricks for Active Candidates!
Luke Mosiman is a Grassroots Mobilization Expert based in Arizona. Today, he joins CampaignNAV for a Deep Dive Workshop into Grassroot Tips & Tricks for Active Candidates!

CampaignNav Workshop Grassroots Deep Dive with Luke Mosiman ~  Luke Mosiman, an expert in grassroots campaign mobilization, shares valuable insights on effective political campaigning. 


In this exclusive workshop, Mosiman highlights the significance of grassroots engagement, stressing its role in shaping election outcomes. He provides valuable insights and tips to tap into diverse community talents and build strong volunteer relationships for campaign success.


Mosiman discusses the impact that of modern communication tools like impactful texting campaigns, which offer higher engagement rates compared to more traditional methods such as phone banking. He also addresses challenges with canvassing in certain communities and suggested strategies active candidates can implement to overcoming roadblocks.


Throughout the workshop, Mosiman underscores the importance of adapting grassroots strategies to fit the evolving landscape of political campaigning. His practical advice and emphasis on personal connections provide valuable guidance for anyone interested in effective political mobilization.



If you're looking to enhance your understanding of Grassroots Campaigning and learn from experts like Mosiman, join the CampaignNav ThinkTank for more insightful workshops and candidate resources.




Interested in having Luke head-up your team!

We couldn't agree more! Reach out to him below!

Phone: 602.642.0867

Twitter/X: @luke_Mosiman

Linkedin: Here


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