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CampaignNAV Workshop: Revolutionizing Political Fundraising: A Conversation with Sofia Lyon of Lyon Premier Strategies

Updated: Jun 3

Sofia Lyon is a Political Fundraising Expert with over 15 years of experience. Today, she joins CampaignNAV for an insightful discussion regarding New Strategies for Political Fundraising for any Active Candidate!

In the fast-paced world of political campaigns, fundraising is often the lifeblood that keeps candidates and their causes alive. But navigating the complex landscape of fundraising, especially in today's digital age, can be daunting. That's where experts like Sofia Lyon of Lyon Premier Strategies step in, providing invaluable guidance and strategy to help candidates succeed.

Recently, CampaignNAV had the privilege of sitting down with Sofia Lyon to discuss the ins and outs of modern campaign fundraising. As the founder of Lyon Premier Strategies, Sofia has extensive experience in political fundraising, working with candidates at all levels, from local school board races to high-stakes federal campaigns.

Understanding the District:

One of the key insights Sofia shared was the importance of understanding the district or state in which a candidate is running. "It's really about having the right pitch for the right people at the right time," she explained. Sofia stressed the significance of candidates being deeply connected to their communities, championing local issues, and demonstrating a genuine commitment to serving their constituents.

The Power of Data:

Sofia emphasized the critical role of data in successful fundraising efforts. "Half of it is your data and half of it is your approach," she said. Lyon Premier Strategies focuses on obtaining and utilizing high-quality, validated data to maximize outreach and engagement. By leveraging verified cell phone numbers and targeting specific demographics, Sofia helps candidates achieve higher connect rates and ultimately secure more donations.

Crafting the Message:

Having a compelling message is paramount in fundraising, according to Sofia. Candidates must articulate why they're running, what they stand for, and how they'll make a difference if elected. Lyon Premier Strategies works closely with candidates to refine their messaging, ensuring it resonates with donors and aligns with the needs of the community.

Adaptability and Persistence:

In today's ever-changing political landscape, adaptability is key. Sofia stressed the importance of pivoting strategies based on data and feedback. "You need to invest in something that's going to yield that high ROI," she explained. Lyon Premier Strategies helps candidates navigate the complexities of fundraising, providing the tools and guidance needed to achieve success.


Sofia's insights are invaluable for anyone involved in political campaigns, and her expertise aligns perfectly with the mission of CampaignNAV. CampaignNAV is a comprehensive platform designed to help candidates and campaign teams streamline their operations, from fundraising and messaging to voter outreach and volunteer management.

With CampaignNAV, candidates can access powerful tools and resources to optimize their campaigns and maximize their impact. And with experts like Sofia Lyon providing guidance and support, CampaignNAV users have the knowledge and expertise they need to succeed in today's competitive political landscape.


Sofia Lyon and Lyon Premier Strategies are at the forefront of revolutionizing campaign fundraising. Their focus on data-driven strategies, compelling messaging, and adaptability is helping candidates across the country make a real difference in their communities. And with CampaignNAV as their platform of choice, candidates have everything they need to run impactful, efficient campaigns.



Lyon Premier Strategies

Interested in having Sofia head-up your team!

We couldn't agree more! Reach out to her below!

Lyon Premier Strategies LLC

Sofia Lyon // Founder and CEO

Phone: (602)-376-1824



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